We Bare Bears Pan Pan Sitting Plush 48cm. We Bare Bears is an American animated television series that follows three bears, Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear, and their awkward attempts at integrating with the human world in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here we have Pan Pan. Pan Pan is the second most important person after Grizzly. He is knowledgeable about tecnology and Asian culture. Pan Pan is a real drama queen, artistic and neurotic. The plush can really transform the atmosphere of the rooms with its cuteness, design and attractive colors. It is a lovely, huggable, and ultimately, a real hugly pugly plush.

  • Brand: Generic
  • Model: 709T-Plush-BearB-DrinkPanda48cm382
  • Price: $31.97 - In stock
We Bare Bears Pan Pan Sitting Plush 48cm

We Bare Bears Pan Pan Sitting Plush 48cm

We Bare Bears Pan Pan Sitting Plush 48cm
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Product Info

We Bare Bears Pan Pan Sitting Plush 48cm. We Bare Bears is an American animated television series that follows three bears, Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear, and their awkward attempts at integrating with the human world in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here we have Pan Pan. Pan Pan is the second most important person after Grizzly. He is knowledgeable about tecnology and Asian culture. Pan Pan is a real drama queen, artistic and neurotic. The plush can really transform the atmosphere of the rooms with its cuteness, design and attractive colors. It is a lovely, huggable, and ultimately, a real hugly pugly plush.

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