Izuku Midoriya is the main protagonist of the popular manga and anime series My Hero Academia. His Hero name is Deku and he was originally Quirkless but after meeting All Might and impressing him with his bravery, he gains One For All becoming its ninth user.  As seen in season 3 of My Hero Academia, Deku is ready to do his best with his new Pop! makeover.

  • Brand: Funko
  • Model: 648T-Funko-Deku56421595
  • Product ID: 00889698385183
  • Price: $31.97 - In stock
Funko Pop My Hero Academia Deku #564 Vinyl Figure

Funko Pop My Hero Academia Deku #564 Vinyl Figure

Funko Pop My Hero Academia Deku #564 Vinyl Figure
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Product Info

Izuku Midoriya is the main protagonist of the popular manga and anime series My Hero Academia. His Hero name is Deku and he was originally Quirkless but after meeting All Might and impressing him with his bravery, he gains One For All becoming its ninth user.  As seen in season 3 of My Hero Academia, Deku is ready to do his best with his new Pop! makeover.

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